Saturday, July 02, 2005

Life in Cyberjaya

Yo peeps...

This is my 3rd week in Cyberjaya and so far this place is not too bad either..Food kindda know...mostly western and malay food. WEll..i Melaka food especially Soup SHop and rama those place is right down cool. Hehe. And i am living with Fabian ong , my cool roomate back in Alpha, and he is one cool dude...really sporty and always plays a lot...dota la , football la and so on. What the heck...he is still good in his studies.

Classes has been good. So far me and Adrian have been going to all the classes , and the lecturers over here is quite ok la. not too bad. Some of them are really really good and some of them are ok only la.

My pledge this sem is to do my best in my studies , and also improve in my Flight Simulator. My current status i have still not finished my PPL and i am gonna finish it by this month. My aim is to get my CPL by end of this sem and my ATPL by end of next SEM. Hopefully...hehe

OK guys , take care...i will try to post as much as possible next time. Please do come back from time to time and i will post some pictures soon...about this place called Cyberjaya.


fuz-buh said...

wats this cpl atpl initial thingy? morse codes?

Tharan said...

CPL= Comercial Pilots lisence
ATPL = Airline Transport Pilots Lisence